成相寺の紅葉 Autumn Leaves of Nariai-ji Temple
It's been a while since I was able to go into the mountains. It's the best season at the moment, but recently the weather in the weekends has been bad and I haven't been able to go there. Every autumn I go for a ride to Mt. Nariai and Seya Highlands, but this time I'll only go to Mt. Nariai
The bizarre story of Nariai-ji Temple's Bottomless Pond (Soko-Nashi-Ike)
A giant snake that lived in the Bottomless Pond of Nariai-ji Temple swallowed a young Buddhist priest. Feeling sorry for him, the priests made a dressed straw effigy of him and packed it with gunpowder. Not knowing this, when the snake swallowed the straw effigy, the gunpowder went off in it's stomach. In great pain, it went down to Koku-ji Temple at the foot of the mountain wearing a temple bell on it's head and entered Aso-kai Lagoon. However, it was exhausted and is said to have sunk in the vicinity of Monju.
ハジロカイツブリ これはハジロカイツブリの夏羽だそうです。綺麗ですね。見たいですが、夏に絶対この辺にいないと思います。 Black-necked grebe This is the black-necked grebe's breeding plumage (summer plumage). Looks cool. I wouldn't mind seeing one like this, but I doubt they would be around here in summer. |