日本ではパブロバを作る Making Pavlova in Japan
Pavlova is New Zealand's most famous dessert. We usually eat it at Christmas and other special times. I have never made one (my mother and sister always make them), but I was given a pavlova mix from my sister. I took up the challenge to make it with my student (who is good at baking).
Pavlova is difficult for beginners to make. Therefore, I had to read up on how to make one. It's hard to find sugar the same as New Zealand's caster sugar, but I found the sugar pictured below in a local supermarket. That should do the job (I hope).
The type of oven and a good mixer and other utensils are important. Since my student has a good oven, mixer and utensils, I asked her to bake it at her house. WOW! .... She did an amazing job.