伊根の探検ライド Exploring Ine
That season has come around again. The rice fields are turning a beautiful golden shade. For some time now, I've been wanting to go to the Niizaki terraced rice fields at this time of the year and try to get a good photo. So, I head off for an exploration ride around Ine. [Mission one] Get a photo of Niizaki terraced rice fields. [Mission two] Search for forest roads. [Mission three] Get a photo of a wild monkey.
It's hot and humid. Drains your energy in no-time. I can hear thunder. I want to watch the All Blacks vs Wallabies rugby match which starts at 4:30 p.m.. Time to head back to my car. I'll come again when it is cooler and continue exploring Ine. I still have a few places I want to go to. I'll have to leave mission 2 and 3 for then.
What an awesome day. I came to a fantastic place like this, then after that, watched rugby, where the All Blacks of NZ won 51 vs 20. A new home record against the Wallabies. Happiness!!!