地獄の階段 The Stairs From Hell
Do you know recognize these steps? Many years ago, when I was climbing these steps in the middle of summer, I felt like I was going to be sick. (The summer heat in Japan is brutal.) So I call them 'the stairs from hell'. However, I can climb them with no problem in a nice season like this. I have never counted how many steps there are, but I guess there are about 800.
Yes, it's the stairs up to Kasamatsu Park. Today is the Golden Week holiday, but there is no one around. All the shops catering to the sightseers are closed. The cable car and lift aren't operating. A terrible thing has happened.
笠松公園 Kasamatsu Park
There are no sightseers anywhere. I was able to take photos on this stunning day without getting in anyone's road. However, I feel sorry for the local businesses.