4. ウエスト・コーストへ 4.To The West Coast
The next morning, I went over the Arthur's Pass together with my sister to her place. Last year she moved house, so it was the first time there for me. Arthur's Pass is a great place to go for a drive. I definitely recommend it if you get a chance.
3 years ago, I made blog entries about some of the places you can see around here. Follow the links below.
レイク・ペーソンとケーブ・ストリーム Lake Pearson & Cave Stream
ワイマカリリ川とモア The Waimakariri & Moa
デビル・パンチボール・フォールズ Devils Punchbowl Falls
アーサーズ・パースとキア Arthur's Pass and Keas
Video: Hosing down the dog. Crazy mutt!